Green Team
Want to stay updated on Green Team news and ways to get involved? Join the email list!
upcoming events
The Green Team works to advance sustainability in the neighborhood with information, advocacy, and events. It runs ongoing Adopt-a-Drain efforts, seasonal Lake Cleanups, a Midtown Greenway Cleanup, and the Neighborhood Super Sale, which helps neighbors repurpose belongings.
Committee Co-Chairs: Ellen van Iwaarden & Henry LaBounta

East Isles, Lowry Hill, East Bde Maka Ska, Kenwood, Cedar-Isles-Dean
Neighborhood Super Sale
East Isles, Lowry Hill, East Bde Maka Ska, Kenwood, Cedar-Isles-Dean
East Isles, Lowry Hill, East Bde Maka Ska, Kenwood, Cedar-Isles-Dean
Committees meet at the call of the Chairs, and volunteering is open to any interested individual. To be notified about volunteer opportunities, subscribe to the Green Team e-List: