Newsletter + E-Lists
Volunteer E-Lists
Opportunities are managed by volunteer Committees working around topic areas in East Isles. To receive volunteering updates, simply subscribe at the links below:
Green Team Committee works to advance sustainability with information, advocacy and events. It runs Lake Cleanups, a Greenway Cleanup, the Neighborhood Super Sale, and ongoing Adopt-a-Drain efforts.
Community Safety Committee works to engage the neighborhood and strengthen the complex systems creating community safety in our area. It runs Safety Walking Club and Neighborhood Safety Meetings.
Farmers Market Committee is responsible for the Farmers Market. This includes organizing and overseeing management of events, hiring, and fundraising. The Farmers Market is currently being re-envisioned.
Built Environment & Transportation Committee (BET) identifies ways for input and advocacy, along with articulation and advancement of East Isles concerns and issues regarding development projects and transportation.
Neighborhood Revitalization Program Committee (NRP) recommends East Isles investment opportunities to the Board and community. Priority setting, planning, and implementation are core to the committee’s work.