Video: Neighborhood Safety Meeting

The Kenwood, Lowry Hill, East Isles and Cedar-Isles-Dean Neighborhood Associations held a public safety gathering on Jan. 23 at Lake of the Isles Lutheran Church. The objective of the meeting was to hear updates from the City and MPD on improvements in safety in our neighborhoods and area. More than 200+ people attended in-person and online.

Speakers included:

  • MPD Chief Brian O’Hara: Update on the various police efforts in combating crime including the Milestone Camera program. He will also address the latest consent decree between the police department and the U.S. DOJ mandating police reforms.

  • 5th Precinct Insp. Christie Nelson: Report on crime trends in our precinct and introduce our new crime specialist for the 5th precinct, Faith Randal.

  • 911 Operations Deanna Douglas & Amy Sizer: Will be on hand to talk about their work and aid us in understanding how 911 operates.

  • Park Police Lt. Calvin Nobles: Update on public safety and criminal activity in the park system.

  • MPD Officer Lance DuPaul: Update on MPD’s bait car program, an interesting and effective way to catch car thieves.

  • Neighborhood Safey Clubs Founder Aileen Johnson: Update on her efforts to expand the neighborhood walking clubs. She will also focus on other areas the clubs are becoming involved in concerning public safety and community outreach.

  • Community Safety Comm. Todd Barnette (former Hennepin Co. District Court Chief Judge): Update on public safety initiatives in the City’s five safety departments: Police, Fire, 911, Emergency Management and Neighborhood Safety (including Behavioral Response Unit). We’re all concerned about public safety and this is a great opportunity to learn firsthand from the person in charge of our safety about our city’s response.


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